Collaboration & Intergration.

Easily work with many groups by arranging them in multi-level structures. Create groups for every branch, department, region, location or team to simply communicate with each group the way you want. You are in control of who sees what.

Team & Group Communication.

Appinalls messaging application and platform provides teams with different ways to communicate. Users can organize team conversations in open channels. They can create a channel for a project, a topic, or for a specific team, where everyone has a transparent view of the conversation. Users can also create private channels where only selected team members are included. To reach out to one colleague directly, users can send a private and secure direct message.

Unlimited Group Management.

More than just a messaging tool, users can upload documents, spreadsheets, images, and PDFs into the application for easy file sharing. Everything is archived and can be revisited for additional comments, starred for later reference and searched easily. Large Files are never a problem with Appinall.

Do It All With Appinall.

Chat Bots/Live Chat

Group Management

Team Communication


Payment Processing

Until We Manage Time, We Can Manage Nothing Else.

Peter Drucker

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